Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The "Dr. Suess Colors" Playhouse

These custom colors were intended to simulate the feeling you get when you open the pages of a Dr. Seuss book.  They came together perfectly and WE LOVE IT!!!!

The BIG Residence Playhouse

Christmas playhouses don't usually have the advantage of a lush green backdrop, but this playhouse stands on its own feet for color!  As you can see, the sun isn't always cooperative, either, but we take what we can get!

This playhouse is The BIG Residence Playhouse with an Attached Swing Beam and Slide Platform.  It was ordered with The Complete Fun Package, which includes...

A mailbox and working doorbell...

Personalized chalkboards...
A cupboard...
And a stow-away table...

But the most fun feature was a new one that Joshua threw in! 
A Secret Passage!!!

We LOVE new features!  Anything that makes a playhouse more amazing and fun for kids is exciting to us, and we love offering it to future playhouse owners!
"When my wife and I sat down to talk about Christmas, we decided that our kids didn't need another game system or electronic device - they needed something that would let them have fun while playing outside and being active. From the first time I talked to Joshua, I knew we had found the perfect solution. What we didn't know, however, was how amazing the playhouse was going to be. The website simply doesn't do it justice, and my kids have never been happier. We are completely blown away, and you will be too. Thanks Joshua!"
"These things are fun
and fun is good!"
~Dr. Suess

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